One of my all time favorite musical acts to see is Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart. They have a wonderful sound together, along with amazing songwriting and brilliant guitar work. I've gone to see them at nearly every New England performance they've had for years.
I'm also the legal guardian of a 59 year old man with Down Syndrome, Stevie.
A few years back, I had Stevie with me one Sunday when Stacey and Mark were coming to town. I REALLY wanted to see Stacey and Mark, but the thought of dropping Stevie at home early was giving me fits of guilt. I was afraid if I took Stevie with me, he would be bored and cause a scene or beg to leave early. His musical tastes tend to run toward Elvis or scantily clad Vegas show girls. I wasn't sure how folk music would fly with him.
Finally I thought, what the heck, if I have to leave, I have to leave, but at least I'd get to see Stacey and Mark for a few songs.
We got to the venue, found our seats and out came Stacey and Mark. And out came Cupid with his bow and arrow and shot Stevie right between the eyes. I mean it was love. LUUUUUV. He sat for the entire show, completely enthralled. You could all but see the little sparkles in his eyes every time he looked at Stacey. I had never scene him sit still for anything for more than 10 minutes up to that point.
When the show ended, he sought out Stacey and gave her a hug. And a hug. And a hug. I was afraid I'd have to leave him and go home without him, since he didn't seem to be too willing to let her go.
Somewhere along the line, Stevie took up painting little plaster figurines and plaques at Plaster Fun Time and giving them to Stacey. If she keeps them, their house must be full of such wonders as green sparkly squirrels, yellow sparkly guitars and sparkly Christmas trees. (You'll note the sparkly theme here. If one sparkle is good, ALL the sparkles are better in Stevie's mind.)
Now it's been years, and we still catch every Stacey and Mark show that we can. Stevie continuously asks me when "Taytee" is coming back. And if it's not for awhile, he gets mad at me, since it's all my fault and I'm not nice to him, and that's why Taytee isn't coming back. (This logic works for him, don't ask)
You can tell what great people Stacey and Mark are (And Stacey's sister Kelly, too!) by how patient they are with Stevie. It can't be that easy to be preparing for a show and having someone hanging on to you, following your every move. But they tolerate him with hugs and smiles and are just as kind as can be.
So if you're looking for a great night out, check out Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart next time they are in your town. If it's in the New England area, you'll get the extra treat of seeing Stevie's artwork and watching him be in luuuuuv with "Taytee".